There is fear and apprehension in three French towns over a young tiger reported to be on the loose near Disneyland Paris, one of Europe's top tourist destinations. Police have urged residents in three nearby towns of Montevrain, Chessy and Chalifert to stay indoors.

DailyMail UK reports that this photo provided by the town council of Montebrain, east of Paris, Thursday, November13, 2014 shows what is described as a tiger.  (AP Photo/Ville de Montebrain)

Officials hunt for the tiger
The town of Montevrain had on Thursday alerted on its Facebook page that a young tiger was spotted in the brush behind tennis courts and a soccer field about 9 kilometers from Disneyland Paris.

About 60 policemen, security forces and rescue squads nave began a hunt for the large cat, using a helicopter, trained dogs and wolf-catcher. They have also advised that if residents in the three towns must travel, they must drive and stay inside their cars.

It is still not clear where the tiger came from although some believe it could be a domesticated one.

The Parc des Felins, a wild cat animal park 29 kilometers from Montevrain, said none of its animals was missing.

EuroDisney, the operator of Disneyland Paris, said it has no tigers in its theme park. Park spokeswoman, Cathy Pianon, according to CNN, said the park's security team -- while it was working closely with local authorities -- was never asked to reinforce their security.


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