We thought that after the first case of Ebola in a two-year old girl in Mali, we might not hear any other in the country. But sadly, a Malian nurse has died of the Ebola virus, making it the second confirmed death from the disease in the country. Her case is however not related to the little girl who also died from the disease October 24.

According to officials, the nurse had treated a man who arrived from Guinea at the Pasteur Clinic in Bamako, and the clinic was now in quarantine.

The new case comes a day after the World Health Organisation (W.H.O) confirmed the release from quarantine of 25 of 100 people who were thought to have come into contact with the deceased two-year-old girl.

The toddler had alarmingly displayed symptoms of the dreaded virus whilst travelling through the country by bus on her return from neighbouring Guinea.

Ebola was first identified in Guinea in March, before it spread to neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone. The WHO says there are now more than 13,240 confirmed, suspected and probable cases, almost all in these countries. Almost 5000 people have died of the disease in the region.

On Tuesday, it was confirmed that Morocco would no longer host the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations because of its fears over the Ebola outbreak. The country is afraid that the virus could spread to it through the number of fans that would be raveling from all over Africa including West Africa.


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