Are you one of those who dismissed the Publisher of Ovation Magazine, Mr. Dele Momodu, when he contested in the 2011 presidential elections? If yes, my next question is why?

Anyway, Momodu thinks Nigerians did not take his candidature serious because he lacked experience. Momodu ran for President on the platform of the National Conscience Party (NCP), and got less than 30, 000 votes nationwide.

PUNCH report quoted the veteran journalist as saying: “I was serious about my ambition but Nigerians were not serious about it. Some said I lacked experience. Yes, I lack experience in stealing.”

He was speaking at the Diamond jubilee symposium in honour of the founder of the Latter Rain Assembly, Pastor Tunde Bakare, in Lagos on Monday.

His ovationinternational account on Instagram also wrote: “Nigerians expect you to steal Nigeria’s money and use it to contest and oppress the poor of Nigeria”

So, what do you think of Momodu’s claim?


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