A meeting between the parents of the kidnapped Chibok girls as well as  the girls who escape and Preseident Goodluck Jonathan on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, was called off suddenly, leaving many to wonder what must have gone wrong. 
According to the organisers of the meeting, the parents were the ones who called off the meeting.
Jonathan who had not met with the parents since April 15 when the girls were kidnappd had been hugely criticized as being insensitive. But on Monday, during a meting with Pakistani education rights activist, Malala Yousafzai , the president promised to meet with the girls since Malala said it was  the parents wish.
However, few hours to the meeting, the parents backed off forcing President Jonathan to accuse the #BringBackOurGirls campaigners of playing politics.
The #BringBackOurGirls group should be ashamed of manipulating "the victims of terrorism", he said.
In a statement , Jonathan said:"Unfortunately, political forces within the Nigerian chapter of Bring Back Our Girls have decided to take this opportunity to play politics with the situation and the grief of the parents and the girls. They should be ashamed of their actions.
"Those who would manipulate the victims of terrorism for their own benefit are engaging in a similar kind of evil: Psychological terrorism,"
According to Dr. Doyin Okupe, speaking on Jonathan’s behalf, the president was "extremely distraught".
"He cannot understand this. He cannot fathom this - that Nigeria's mothers will do this type of thing for children," Mr Okupe said.


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