12 year old boy steals school bus 
Police in Florida, USA, this week arrested a 12 year old boy for allegedly driving erratically in a school bus. The concern however is that it was his second “grand theft auto”. 
The boy, Michael Probst, was arrested three weeks ago for stealing a different school bus and had only been out of Juvenile Justice for one day before he went to commit the same offence a second time. It amounted to stealing two buses in one month!
“He just got out…yesterday on the last case where he stole the bus from us,” said a school official.
It is standard practice for the school bus drivers to leave keys inside the buses but the Bay District Schools safety director says disclosed that that practice may have to be revisited.
There were no injuries or passengers aboard the bus. 
The kid may be reckless, but he’s not totally dumb — he “invoked his Fifth Amendment right by saying nothing to anybody,” a police officer said. Still, “It sticks out like a sore thumb…”


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