Just as the world is still mourning the loss of about 298 passengers in the ill-fated Malaysian airline down in Ukraine, danger was averted earlier today in Uganda when an aircraft carrying U.S. military personnel was forced to land in the middle of a Ugandan highway after running out of fuel.
Small plane lands on Major Deegan Expressway in New York
Phillip Mukasa, a spokesman for Ugandan police, told Associated Press (AP) that “the Piper aircraft with eight people on board - including two crew members - was returning to Uganda's Entebbe International Airport when it had to make an emergency landing in Mityana town, some 67 kilometers (about 41 miles) from the Ugandan capital of Kampala.
The emergency landing disrupted the flow of traffic but there was no one was hurt. There was also no damage to the aircraft.
According to Mukasa, the aircraft had been headed to South Sudan but it couldn't land there and had to return to Uganda. No reason had been given why the pilot did not land in South Sudan


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