President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria and ex-beauty queen, Ibinabo Fiberesima, is set to wed in December.

For the 43 year old mother of five, the wedding would be the first of her life even though she has five children.

So, who is the lucky guy? Fiberisima refuses to disclose the identity of the man he is engaged to but said that it was someone she dated during her undergraduate days in the University of Ibadan.

She is currently on vacation in the United Kingdom with her fiancé and would soon be back to commence plans for the wedding expected to hold in Port Harcourt.

The lady had had a fair share of life’s bashing, having served prison term five years ago, for manslaughter, following the death of a medical doctor, Suraj Giwa, in a car accident. Her separation from former lover has been a painful experience for her and taking care of her children alone had been quite challenging.

In an interview with Punch in February 2012, the ex-beauty queen said about her marriage: “If I could, I would have just found a man and told him to come and marry me. But it is not my power. Do you know how many times I have fixed a wedding date? I even told Sunny Neji to compose theme songs for the wedding. If you bring the man, I will marry. It is my will and hope to get married. I want a family. I have a family but I want a man to complete it. I am not going to buy him. I know God will give me a man. I don’t have any regret where marriage is concerned. I have done everything with an open heart. I don’t know what went wrong. My children’s fathers are still my friends. They, too, wonder how I manage to cope. They tell me I am nice. Now that I am very independent, I don’t want any man that will come and give me headache. That is the problem. Maybe I will get married to an elderly man, a divorcee or a widower. Someone who is relaxed and not domineering. Somebody I can respect. If I see that kind of man, I will love to get married.

Continuing in the interview, she said: “I thought I would marry Fred. I didn’t snatch him from anybody. When I met Fred, he was single. He was separated from his wife four years before I met him. My daughter is Fred’s carbon copy, so I see him every day. It is only natural for me to love Fred and I love him. He is my friend and brother and my baby’s father. But life has to continue”.

Life has truly continued as she weds her university heartthrob.


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