Train derails in Moscow, kills 10, 106 seriously injured, death toll rising
A subway cargo train, in the early hours of today, Tuesday, July 15, 2014, derailed and killed 10 people leaving about 106 seriously injured. Emergency officials say that death toll may rise as 50 of the injured persons were in critical conditions. One person is believed to be trapped in the wreckage.
Thirteen cars of the cargo train derailed and crashed into a passenger train traveling from Moscow to Chisinau, "eventually overturning three of the train's cars with people inside," ITAR-Tass, the state news agency reported.

A Moscow emergency representative, Yuri Akimov, while briefing newsmen outside the Park Pobedy station, disclosed that about 200 people were evacuated from the train, which was stuck between two stations in west Moscow.
According to Associated Press (AP), a man with a bloody cut on his brow told Rossiya 24 television outside the Park Pobedy station that he felt a jolt and the train abruptly came to a halt. "There was smoke and we were trapped inside," the man said. "It's a miracle we got out. I thought it was the end.

Park Pobedy is the deepest metro station in Moscow. Its 84 meters depth is currently making the rescue operations difficult.


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