Britney Spears in $30 mix up, dines at restaurant, leaves without paying 
Britney Spears got herself in a $30 bill mix up when she had a meal at a Carlifonia restaurant and left without paying the bill.

Sources told that the singer and her boyfriend, David Lucado were at the Thousand Oaks, restaurant where they had an appetizer and a salad.  
At the end of the lunch the waitress came over with the $30 bill, and Britney said her security guy would pay it.  She and David then walked out -- with a doggie bag.
But the security never paid. He said he thought Britney paid the bill.
However, Britney's managers have come out to say that “she feels horrible about the mix up and it was a honest mistake.  The guard thought Britney paid and she believed he paid the bill”.
Well, why would she skip out without paying when she’s worth more than $50 million?
 PHOTO: (Exclusively)


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