As Israel’s bombardment of Gaza enters its fifth day, with death toll exceeding 120, the home of a charitable association for disabled persons in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza, has been hit, killing two.  Unconfirmed reports also said that a third body was later pulled from the rubble at the home for the disabled. A mosque was also hit by an air strike overnight.
A source in the health military also confirmed that three other people died in a second attack in western Gaza City.
Hamas fired five more rockets into Israel as the Islamist movement rejected growing international calls for a halt to hostilities, insisting Israel must act first. But Israel has vowed not to stop the air strikes.
Speaking at a news conference in Tel Aviv on Friday, July 11, 2014, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said he would not end the military campaign until he achieved his goal of stopping the Hamas fire. And his military forces had concluded to commence a ground assault.
"No international pressure will prevent us from striking, with all force, against the terrorist organisation which calls for our destruction," he said. “No terrorist target in Gaza is immune."
David Cameron, British Prime Minister and President Barack Obama of the United States have showed support to Netanyahu. Cameron sited “Israel's right to defend itself from them (Hamas) while Obama guns for a return to calm in the Middle East.


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