A woman whose husband died of lung cancer would be paid $23.6 billion by the manufacturers of the cigarette, RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company. That was the ruling of a US court during the week. 
The woman, Cynthia Robinson, took action against the firm in 2008, seeking compensation for her husband's death in 1996.
During the trial which lasted four weeks, Ms Robinson argued that RJ Reynolds was negligent in informing consumers of the dangers of consuming tobacco.
 This negligence, the lawyers said, led to Robinson’s husband contracting lung cancer from smoking after becoming "addicted" and failing multiple attempts to quit.

Willie Gary, one of Robinson’s lawyers said: "RJ Reynolds took a calculated risk by manufacturing cigarettes and selling them to consumers without properly informing them of the hazards"
"We hope that this verdict will send a message to RJ Reynolds and other big tobacco companies that will force them to stop putting the lives of innocent people in jeopardy," he added. 
RJ Reynolds, America’s second largest tobacco makers, however plans to appeal against the court's decision.
According to a statement issued by the company’s vice president and assistant general counsel Jeffery Raborn, "This verdict goes far beyond the realm of reasonableness and fairness, and is completely inconsistent with the evidence presented" 
He said that “We plan to file post-trial motions with the trial court promptly, and are confident that the court will follow the law and not allow this runaway verdict to stand.''
The punitive damages awarded to Ms Robinson were said to be the largest of any individual case stemming from a class action lawsuit filed in Florida.
Several similar cases have resulted in smaller payouts after the state's highest court ruled that smokers and their families only had to prove addiction and that smoking caused their illness.


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