Moscow train accident: Death toll rises to 19

Death toll in this mornings underground train derailment in Moscow, Russia, has risen to 19, emergency reports say. An underground cargo train had derailed between two stations during the morning rush hour, the Emergencies Ministry said.

Thirteen cars of the cargo train derailed and crashed into a passenger train traveling from Moscow to Chisinau, "eventually overturning three of the train's cars with people inside," ITAR-Tass, the state news agency reported.

Russia's investigative committee said it was looking into the causes of the accident. It said, however, there was no suspicion of a militant attack, as it had usually been in the past. Islamist militants have previously carried out deadly attacks in Moscow, including twin suicide bombings that killed 40 people on the subway in 2010.

Injured passengers were carried on stretchers, bloodied and bandaged, out of metro stations and helicopters ferried the most seriously hurt to hospital. Passengers looked stunned or were crying after being helped to the surface by emergency services.


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