It is undoubtedly one of the most unusual methods of transporting a sick person from one country to another, and Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol have no choice but to deal with it.
Writebol with Liberian kids |
Brantly and his family |
They are the two American aid workers infected with the dreaded Ebola virus while working in Liberia. The American government yesterday commenced their journeys back home with Brantly, a medical doctor, infected due to his care for infected Liberians, arriving Atlanta, Georgia yesterday. Writebol will join him in a few days time.
Check out the isolation and transport system that flew him, specifically designed to ensure that the virus did not get out during the flight. The system was built by the US Defense Department, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and a private company.
And the custom built Gulfstream jet.
The plane landed at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, a military base in Atlanta and Brantly was whisked away to one of the most sophisticated hospital isolation units in America.

An ambulance flanked by a few SUVs and police car took him from the base in Marietta, Georgia, shortly after the Gulfstream landed and drove about 15 miles to Emory University Hospital where Brantly and Writebol will be treated.
Once at the hospital, one person in white protective clothing from head to toe climbed down from the back of the ambulance and a second person in the same type of hazmat-looking suit appeared to take his gloved hands and guide him toward a building at Emory, which is located just down a hill from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The hospital room where he would be treated |
Brantly's wife, Amber, and their two children, 3 and 5, had left Liberia for a wedding in the U.S. just days before her husband fell ill and quarantined himself. They would watch their father and husband through a glass wall.
This is a typical example of a country taking zero chances in protecting the health of her citizens.