They are additionally prohibited from barred from using languages considered derogatory, hateful and obscene language. They must also abide by the same laws as traditional media and verify all information before publishing it.
These are part of a new law proposed by President Vladimir Putin and passed by the country’s upper House of Parliament.
The government said the regulation was needed "to formalise the definition of blogging in Russian law". Offenders would pay fines ranging between the equivalent of £170 and £8,500.
According to Roskomnadzor representatives, any blogger who did not register - no matter where in the world they were located - will have their content blocked within Russia's borders.
The new law has compelled search engine Yandex to stop publishing blog statistics, while LiveJournal caps published blog readership statisticss at "2,500+".
Russia is Europe's fastest-growing internet audience, with 61 million users.
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