Two Nigerians and an Israeli have been caught trying to smuggle $9.3 million into South Africa, and police in that country said on Monday.

Police said that they were being investigated for the incident. The spokesperson for the South African Revenue Service (SARS), Marika Muller said the funds were seized at Lanseria airport, northwest of Johannesburg, on September 5. The funds are being held at the central bank as police investigate, she added.

Adrian Lackay, also of SARS, confirmed that customs officers became suspicious when the passengers’ luggage was unloaded and put through the scanners just after 7pm. The officers then investigated and found three suitcases full of cash.

The plane, Bombardier Challenger 600, had a Nigerian flight crew on board but they were not identified.

South Africa’s City Press reported that the passengers told officials they were acting on behalf of the Nigerian intelligence service and provided documentation confirming they had come to South Africa to buy weapons. It was however unclear if the Israeli passenger was an intelligence operative or an arms dealer.

It was also gathered that the National Conventional Arms Control Committee, which has to approve the import and export of any weapons as well as issue permits for such transactions, was not aware of any applications in this case.

South Africa’s City Press newspaper reported that bundles of unused $100 bills packed in three suitcases were transported in a small business jet from Abuja.

The aircraft was temporarily impounded, but was allowed to return to Abuja on Monday morning. Unconfirmed reports have it that one of the passengers was arrested.

The News reports: “Further investigation revealed that the aircraft used to belong to the American healthcare company Kimberly-Clark. But company spokesperson Bob Brand said the firm had sold the plane years ago, and denied that it had anything to do with the incident.

“According to the US Federal Aviation Administration aeroplane register, the Challenger, with the registration number N808HG, was reregistered in the name of Bank of Utah Trustee last year. The address in the register was given as Salt Lake City, US.

“Aviation industry insiders claim similar “owners” have previously been involved in several controversial aircraft financing transactions for aircraft in Africa”


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