Villages across the world today, especially in Africa, no matter how primitive, have some touches of modernity – a car coming in once in a while, a phone seen around somewhere….but there is a tribe far more behind, not less than 10,000 years behind – the Hadza tribe in Tanzania. A tribe still in the stone ages! They still live the life of hunting and gathering.

This tribe, according to a MailOnline report by Stephanie Hunt and Benjamin Hogarth, live on the banks of Tanzania’s Lake Eyasi, in the north of the country.

Hunt and Hogarth, who spent time to study them, wrote: “We spent our time with the Hadza hunting baboon, a daily activity for the men, in what is a hot, harsh climate. Their landscape is precariously packed with thorny bushes, poisonous snakes and man-eating lions. But a successful hunting expedition is the difference between eating or going hungry.

“They do not engage in conflict, and have no memory of infectious outbreaks or starvation. Their population never exceeds numbers that cannot be sustained through hunting or gathering. The Hadza diet is simple. Meat - including birds, baboons, antelope and buffalo - killed by hand-made bows and arrows, crafted in-between hunting trips”

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