Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, has finally settled with the families of some youths who were killed or injured by soldiers guarding his multi-billion dollar cement factory in Gboko, Benue State on March 18.

PREMIUM TIMES reports that apart from settling those who were directly affected in the shootings, Dangote also ordered that quarry machines be provided to youth in the communities to aid their quarry business.

The traditional ruler of Gboko, Gabriel Shosum, in an interview with the online news medium on Tuesday said cheques were handed over to the beneficiaries at the multi-purpose conference hall of the cement company on August 22.

According to the monarch, each bereaved family got N5 million cheque while those injured received N2 million each.

His words: “I witnessed the handing over of the cheques with some of my traditional rulers. The plant manager and the community relations director led the delegation of Dangote Cement. The monies were given ranging from N2mllion to N5million.

“Those who were injured were given N2 million and each of the bereaved families got N5 million. The cheques were given on August 22 at the conference hall of the factory. I led the delegation of Gboko community to the meeting.

 “We are still having meetings with communities around the factory area. I have just been informed that the company has directed that quarry machines be given to some youth in the community who are having difficulty in their stone breaking businesses”

Shosum added: “We are going to have another meeting with them (representatives of Dangote Group) in order to select a day the machines will be given out to the beneficiaries. We had requested Mr. Dangote to build schools and give loans to our youth to do business but we were told that when he returns from a trip abroad, he will handle those issues.”

PREMIUM TIMES had on June 30, after months of investigations, exposed the massacre of seven youth by soldiers at Mr. Dangote’s factory after demonstrators gathered to protest an earlier shooting, by a soldier, of a 19 year-old man.

Source: Premium Times


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