A mother and her daughter have both announced that they are a lesbian couple. Mary Josephine Carter, an African-American, and her daughter Vertasha, made their incestuous relationship known on twitter.

Responding to critics rebuff of her affair with her daughter, Mary posted on their joint twitter handle, @vertashamary: “I am Mary Josephine Carter and I refuse to let some little kids tell me about my damn self. I was in church yesterday, were you?”

“Vertasha and I knew we were attracted to each other when she was 16. But we decided to wait to have sex until she was 18, legally of age. We are now going public with our relationship to help others who might be in gay mother/daughter relationship feel confident and okay about coming out. We want the world to know we love each other as mother and daughter and romantically,” she said.

Mary Carter, who has two other children, a 14-year old boy and an eight year old girl, explained that she started the relationship with her daughter when she divorced her husband.

She said: “Vertasha was there for me during my divorce…Yes I am in a sexual relationship with my adult daughter. No, we are not demons. We are humanic (sic) with feelings.

“I am very well educated. High school diploma and my associates number 1. Then I received a bachelor’s degree. God may put one same sex love in your life. It does not make you a homo. I never looked at woman like I did Vertasha. I am not a lesbian. Vertasha and I fell in love unexpectedly.

“This is not a lesbian crusade. My relationship is a minority. They tell us we cannot be together because I birthed her. Unfair. Every morning, I drink a cup of coffee with a honey bun, and it tastes like Vertasha my honeybun,” she said, explaining further that the relationship was working because she knows how best to deal with her partner and daughter, whom she called “my little wife.”

“Vertasha and I know each other very well and we avoid conflict. I believe I have the guide to a firm and strong relationship. I know what works and does not work,” she said.

She told those criticizing her:“Do not tell me I am a bad parent. My daughter Vertasha is over 18 years old and her choosing me as her sexual partner is her choice. I have a perfect relationship because she never disobeys and is obedient. I listen to her and every night we talk our issues,” she argued.

Her daughter, Vertasha, whose name was coined from Tasha, her real name and Vergel, her surname, said: “My mom is still my mom. She does normal mom stuff: buys me clothes, pays for food, and tells me to make our bed. We just happen to enjoy sex with each other too.

“The love is the root of our relationship. My mother and I love like everybody else and the sex is just the perks of being so close. A mother knows how to please her child the best and, yes, I’ve had a man before but after age 16, I knew home is where the heart is.”

However, Mary Carter, who had earlier granted an interview on the love affair with her daughter, is currently facing the consequence of her action

She has been fired in her place of work and is being despised by friends and family members. She and her family are also facing death threats from people.

She is currently out of her house with her children.

She lamented: “Indeed the support from African-American women is horrible. Unsurprised at this.
They hate themselves; fake hair and contacts. If Vertasha and I was a white mother-daughter same-sex couple, it would be encouraged. Once again, white privilege. We are being discriminated against like criminals,” she lamented.

For those persecuting her because of her sexual orientation, she said: “I serve a mighty, mighty God who gives me the strength to complete my goals and guide me to holiness. No weapon formed against us, shall prosper,” Mary said

She quoted ‘Romans 12:10 which says: “be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves,’ to justify her love affair with her daughter.

Since Mary has been sacked, the duo is now trying to set up an account for assistance from fans as well as establish the Mothers and Daughters For Love, MADAL, to propagate their beliefs.


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