A strange goat strayed into the newsroom of the Delta State-owned newspapers, The Pointer on Saturday and temporarily halted the day’s activities, Leadership reports.

The goat reportedly refused to go away even after the company security men tried to drive it away.

One of the workers then suggested that a visitor’s tag be put round its neck. Lo and behold, everyone scampered in different directions when the goat sniffed and wandered over to the security department with the tag.

Reportedly, just when the goat was apprehended and the tag about to be removed from, an old woman emerged, claiming that she was the owner of the goat. According to sources, the woman said she sends the animal on errand for their witches’ coven.

The woman who refused to give her name said: “I have forgotten it is day time. It is my goat , and don’t be surprised how it crosses the road to the newsroom, it talks in the night, and whenever I send it on errand, it does it for me.”

Her confession attracted passers-by including the company’s workers, crippling working activities until the police arrived at the scene to take away the goat and the woman.


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