An unidentified thief was electrocuted early this morning while stealing some feeder pillar units from a Mitchell 500KVA transformer at Lonlo Bus Stop, along Iju Road,  Fagba, Lagos State.

The thief in the position in which he was electrocuted
PM NEWS reports that the victim had succeeded in removing one feeder unit, but luck ran out on him while he was trying to remove another one as electricity supply was suddenly restored.

A 13 year old boy, Segun Adedokun, who was walking past the area raised an alarm on sighting the deceased corpse.

One of the residents at the scene, Mr. Egunjobi Samuel, told PM NEWS: “We have been experiencing this thing for a long time. Some people will just come and remove some parts from this transformer.  God decided to expose one of them today. It serves him right,’’ Samuel said.

Another resident accused cart pushers from Abattoir in Agege Lagos of being behind the vandalization and serial theft at the transformer. He said the electrocuted man was one of them as he came with his cart which was parked beside him.

One of the Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company, (IKEDC) officials, who came to the scene while his men worked at disconnecting the high tension cables said there was no supply of electricity throughout the night, until this early morning. He presumd that the thief was electrocuted this early morning.”


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