Nigeria and Senegal have also recorded their own Ebola cases, Senegal being the latest.
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, Nelson Mandela’s widow, Graca Machel and several high profile leaders in the civil rights community, politics, business, media and entertainment are on the list of those who signed the petition which reads:
“As the Ebola virus becomes an overwhelming human catastrophe affecting public health, social institutions and economic well-being in Africa, we stand in solidarity with our fellow citizens in the countries victimised by this deadly disease.
“We also thank and salute the local and international health workers who are risking their lives daily, intervening on the ground to eradicate the scourge of Ebola, often without access to gloves and other protective supplies.
“We acknowledge and applaud the decision of the Economic Community of West African States’ health ministers to call for the lifting of travel bans to Ebola affected countries, which are hampering the fight against Ebola and restricting the arrival of essential expertise and equipment, as well as fuel to provide electricity, medications to treat other deadly diseases such as malaria and food to prevent famine.
“In the name and interest of our common humanity, we are collectively launching this urgent Citizens’ Call to Action.
“We call on our respective Heads of State and Government to avoid full embargo against Ebola-affected states. While we understand the legitimate concerns for the protection of their population, we remind African leaders of their obligation to pan-African solidarity and the global community of their humanitarian obligations in emergencies.
“We urge the following immediate actions:
Ensure that the flow of essential assistance can reach those in need, while maintaining economic activity necessary for sustaining life in cities and villages, by
•Authorising and implementing the local recommendations issued by the World Health Organisation
•Acknowledging the impossibility of quarantining entire nations and instead establish much-needed economic and humanitarian corridors of access – essential lifelines – both within the affected countries and between countries.

We call on African opinion leaders – including artists, athletes, filmmakers, writers, journalists, academics – to initiate or to actively take part in public information campaigns on prevention and transmission of the Ebola. These can happen via road-shows, film screenings, theatrical pieces, discussion groups, and the distribution of messages via cellphone networks. And we call upon global opinion leaders to add their talents and voices in support.
We call on the broad private sector, the pharmaceutical industry, and the research community, in particular, to fund, facilitate and make immediately available access to all known methods of prevention and treatment of this menacing threat to our global well-being”.
This call for action is attracting an increasing number of signatories.
Below is the list of those already on board:
- Olusegun Obasanjo, Former President, Federal Republic of Nigeria
- Benjamin Mkapa, Former President Tanzania
- Mrs Graca Machel, President of the Foundation for Community Development
- Bineta Diop , Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security, African Union
- Youssou N’Dour, Singer
- Ali Mufuruki, InfoTech Investment Group
- Kandeh Yumkella, Chairman of UN-Energy and former Director-General
- Zainab Bangura, Special Representative of UN Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict
- Ashih Thakkar, Founder, MARA Group
- Akon, Singer
- Frannie Leautier, Founder, Mkoba Group
- Wendy Luhabe, Africa Chairperson, Cartier Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs
- Dele Olojede, Journalist, Pulitzer Prize Winner
- Amadou Mahtar Ba, Executive Chairman, Co Founder AllAfrica Global Media
- Akere Muna, Presiding Officer, AU Economic, Social and Cultural Council
- Mamadou Toure, Founder, Africa 2.0
- Thelma Awori, chair Institute for Social Transformation, former UNDP Director
- Angelle Kwemo, Founder & Chair Believe in Africa
- Linus Gitahi, CEO Nation Media Group
- Prof. Ousmane Kane, Harvard University
- Ebrima Sall, Executive Secretary CODESRIA
- Slim Othmani. CEO, NCA-Rouiba, Chairman Algeria Business Council.
- Prof. Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Columbia University
- Prof. Alioune Sall, Director, African Futures Institute, South Africa ,
- Prof. Mamadou Diouf, Columbia University
- Trevor Ncube, Deputy Executive Chair, Mail&Guardian
- Omar Ben Yedder, Director IC Publications
- Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard, Founder and CEO, APO (African Press Organization)
- Oulimata Sarr, Country Coordinator, IFC Advisory Services
- Férial Haffajee, Editor In Chief, City Press
- Zyad Limam, Director Afrique Magazine
- Aminata Forna, Professor of Creative Writing and award-winning author
- Mahen Bonetti, Founder & Executive Director of African Film Festival, Inc.
- Fatou Wurie, Activist
- Aliou Goloko, CEO Goal Communication
- Reed Kramer, CEO, AllAfrica Global Media
- Aly Leno, Président Union des Journalistes Culturels et Animateurs de Guinée )
- Tidiane Soumah, PDG Todoane World Music
- Dr Tendai Mhizha, CEO Integra Africa
- Samba Bathily, PDG ADS
- Prof. Cheikh Ibrahima Niang, UCAD
- Prof. Penda Mbow, UCAD
- Prof. Anyang' Nyong'o, former minister, Kenya
- Dr Tami Hultman, CEO AllAfrica Foundation
- Soyata Maiga, Special Rapporteur on Women Human Rights in Africa
- Harriette Williams Bright, Femmes Africa Solidarité
- Isham Elgar Olympic and World Champion
- Younes Maamar CEO Eone Investments
- Prof. Fatima Harrak, President CODESRIA, Mohamed V Souissi, University.
- Prof. Kwadwo Ansah Koram, Director Noguchi Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana, Legon
- Prof. Adam Habib, Vice Chancellor, University of Witwatersrand
- Prof. Olive Shisana, CEO, Human Sciences Research Council
- Prof. Suren Pilley, University of Western Cape
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