The 2014 West African Examination Council results of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls are ready. Minister of Education, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau, disclosed this on Monday.

The over 200 girls were abducted in April when Boko Haram insurgents invaded Government Secondary School, Chibok in Borno State, while they were writing their examinations. Till the time of filing this report, 150 days after, their whereabouts have remained unknown.

Shekarau, who appeared before the House of Representatives Committee on Education in Abuja, informed the lawmakers that the Ministry of Education was reviewing the results.

According to him, a review was necessary because the examinations became “haphazard” as a result of the abduction.

The minister assured the committee that the‎ Federal Government had not lost hope in its bid to secure the girl’s release.

His words: “By 1pm today (Monday), the President (Goodluck Jonathan) has scheduled a meeting in which I am attending, specifically to address some of the issues of girl education in that troubled zone.

“In fact, this morning, I got a communication from the West African Examinations Council; the result of the Chibok Secondary School is out. We (ministry) have to look at it (result) via-a-viz the security situation and implication before the formal release.

“It is right now in my possession. Because when the abduction took place, some remained, completed their examinations, some were taking examinations and they were abducted.

“So, the result is haphazard. So we are addressing that this afternoon.

“This is just for the information of the Honourable members.

“It is also a matter of great concern to us. I am sure by 1pm, four, five of us will be sitting with Mr. President to address this issue.”


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