The little lad in the picture above is pretty but the whole idea of that picture is a disaster, an unfortunate development in the life of a three year old boy.

The last time he set eyes on his mother, Lidia Herrera, was in November 2013. Lidia had left the little boy at home with his father in Belluno, Italy, to go visit relatives in Cuba, where she originally comes from.

MailOnline reports that instead of babysitting the boy, Lidia’s husband, Ismar Mesinovic took him to Syria where he signed up to fight for the Islamic State (ISIS).

One year later, Lidia has seen her son…not physically, but in that unfortunate photo which recently appeared online as part of a propaganda campaign for ISIS.

It is not clear when the picture was taken and the man holding the boy is unlikely to be his father as he was reportedly killed during fighting in September.

Lidia told Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera
“That child is Ismail. I pray every day that he will be brought back to me.  
"I hope that he will come back here beside me. I think only of him, only him.' 
"I never had the faintest suspicion my husband was a terrorist. When I knew they had left for Syria it was like everything around me fell apart. 
'My little one in Syria...You can only imagine how a mother feels in front of news like that.'

As part of investigations into the boy’s disappearance, Italy’s La Repubblica anti-terrorism police and secret service are believed to be probing a group of Islamists who operate in the northern Veneto region of Italy, where Belluno also falls.


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