Apart from “watching your weight”, you must “watch your bank balance” if you want to taste the “Glamburger”. It is the world’s most expensive burgar, costing “just” $1800 (about N295, 000)!

Made by Honky Tonk, a posh London restaurant in England, the “Glamburger” is stuffed with a burger patty made from 220 grams of Kobe Wagyu beef minced with 60 grams of New Zealand venison and seasoned with smoked Himalayan salt.

The DailyMirror adds that the burger is served with a Canadian lobster poached in Iranian saffron topped off with maple syrup coated streaky bacon, Beluga caviar and a hickory smoked duck egg intricately covered in edible gold leaf. The bun is seasoned with a Japanese matcha – a kind of powdered green tea – cream mayonnaise and a coating of gold leaf.

Now check this: a mango and champagne juice is drizzled on top and peppered with grated white truffle.

The Glamburger which contains a whopping 2,618 calories took three weeks to create in the Honky Tonk restaurant with the head of the kitchen, Chef Chris Large and his team experimenting with various ingredients and methods before coming out with the perfect recipe.


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