A cat was made to drink half a litre bottle of vodka in order to stay alive after a group of thugs tried to poison her.

The cat, “Missey”, was attacked by wicked thugs who doused her with anti-freeze. She was rushed to the vets where the owner was shocked to hear that the cat had to drink vodka to be cured.

And it really worked according to the owner Paul Stephenson. The cat is back home.

Sara, Paul’s daughter was quoted as saying: “When we heard about the treatment I was just shocked. I had no idea you could even give an animal vodka.

"Missey was totally blind drunk. She was treated over the course of two days and got through half a litre bottle of 37.9 per cent vodka.

‘’She was trying to get up, but toppled over. Her eyes were out of focus and when we took her home in a carry basket, her mouth has pressed up against the wire so it looked as though she had her teeth bared.

Andrew Miller, a vet doctor at White Cross Vets where the cat received the treatment explains how vodka works in the treatment of animals: “The vodka treatment is quite unusual but is commonly used on animals who have swallowed anti-freeze. They are fed the vodka through a drip and they do get quite drunk.

“It is the ethanol used in this particular spirit which helps.

"Anti-freeze is extremely toxic to animal’s kidneys. We specifically use vodka because the ethanol in it neutralises the substance in the poison.”

He added: “Anti-freeze is life-threatening. Sadly, not all animals we have seen who have swallowed the substance make it, but if seen quickly and if they are given the vodka to react to the anti-freeze, they have a good chance of surviving.’’


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