There was pandemonium on a passenger airplane on Friday when a man aboard a flight from Philadelphia to Dominican Republic, screamed "I have Ebola! You are all screwed!".

He hugely panicked the 200 passengers on board as it was learnt that he had even coughed and sneezed all through the four-hour flight.

Immediately the plane landed at Punta Cana airport, the 54-year-old American was confronted by four fully men fully kitted in quarantine outfits.

It however turned out to be a joke but he didn’t find it funny as he was escorted straight to quarantine. While being taken away, he was heard protesting:"I ain't from Africa. Sh*t!"

He was later found to be free of the virus

Mirror UK quoted Paola Rainieri, a communications executive at Grupo Punta Cana as saying: “We don’t know why he did it, but he thought it would be a cute joke that would not be so serious. Thankfully it was only a scare.”

The rude joke had sent shivers down the spine of passengers, staff and authorities especially at a time when the US was taking the Ebola threat more seriously after the death of the index case in America, Thomas Duncan, in Texas.

Photo: Mirror UK


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